Is your goal to become a Global Keynote Speaker?

Then you might want to check out my new video on this theme.

This is Part 3 in my series on “How to be a global speaker”.

The other two speeches in the series you can find here.

Click here to watch Part 3 on youtube, or just click below to watch it here on the blog.

The first part of the speech is about the theme of the conference I was speaking on. (The conference was Asia Professional Speakers Singapore (APSS) Annual Convention and the theme of the conference was “Enterprise”.

As a speaker you should always connect your speech to the theme of the conference, and since I was the opening keynote speaker I found it relevant to speak on “enterprise” for the first 14 minutes of my speech to “anchor” the theme of the conference, before going into the theme of my own speech – which was on How to be a global speaker.

If you are only interested in the part of being a global speaker you can “jump” to the second part of the speech which begins at: 14.51.

(I recommend you watch it in full screen mode.)

Here is the full speech:


Apologies for the bad camera and sound quality (filmed with a simple video camera from the back of the room.)

I hope this video will inspire you to become a truly global keynote speaker too – to become the rock star of the speaker industry and go on world tours!


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