
Learn by watching me learn.

There are a lot of resources online on how to become a better speaker. There are also many professional speakers who will teach you how to develop the business side of speaking, usually for a fee. But there are not so many places online where you can learn how to become a better professional speaker – for FREE!

I have started this blog to share my approach to being a global professional speaker.

At the core of this approach is my belief that to run a successful, global, speaking business, you should focus much more on the “speaking” side of your business than the “business” side of things.

Personally, I spend much more time thinking about how to develop myself as a speaker than thinking about how to develop my speaking business. This strategy has made me one of the most successful global speakers of today.

By starting this blog, I hope to have a venue to share my thoughts about what makes speakers – and speeches – great.

I will try to have a good mix of content where I will both share my own experiences of speaking as well as share what I have learnt from other speakers or other speeches.

One of the best ways to learn something is to “tag along” and be a “fly on the wall” and try to absorb as much as you can by observing an expert. In this blog, I will share stories, insights and lessons that I have gained “on the road”.

I hope you will learn from these “real life” examples and that you’ll find them useful.

I look forward to helping you become a better speaker by sharing my journey of always trying develop myself to be the very best speaker I can be.

Fredrik Haren.

P.S. If you have any specific questions that you would like me to cover, please do not hesitate to send me an email at [email protected].


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    Learn how to become a professional global speaker

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