In this episode of Professional Speaking we will talk about why you should not be a copyrat (RAT standing for Robbers And Thieves) – and why you should be a LION.
The message in this week’s video is bound to be a little bit controversial and I am not expecting everyone to agree with me – but I stand by my view that if you want to build true thought leadership you can not be a copyrat who just rips of other people’s content and re-upload it as your own.
I can understand the temptation to do so, especially on Linkedin that yet doesn’t have a system for flagging illegal sharing of content and where their algorithm is rewarding copyrat behaviour, but if you are focused on building genuine thought leadership that will give you credibility to be booked as a speaker you quickly realize that “shortcuts to many likes” is not the way. Creating and sharing your own thoughts and content is. Even if that road is slower and longer.
Watch the video to see why you should not be a copyrat – and why you instead should be a L.I.O.N.
Would love your thoughts on this in the comments field.

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