What is the difference between writing a non-fiction book and a fiction book? That is the theme of this episode of Professional Speaking.

At the moment I am writing 3 non-fiction books on creativity (yes, at the same time) and putting my final touches on my fiction book “The Unvisible” that is coming out on Penguin in early 2022.

So in this episode of Professional Speaking I speak about how DIFFERENT it is to write a fiction book vs a non-fiction book.


Watch it on YouTube.

or on LinkedIn.

Fredrik Haren – The Creativity Explorer.

ps. Do not miss my 5-hour online course on Mastering The Keynote available – for free – on YouTube (no need to register etc)


All I ask in return, If you like the course, is that you tell others about it and/or tell someone about me who might be looking for a speaker on creativity. I call it “The caring economy”.


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