Today I had the pleasure of hosting an event for APSS in my home where Mia Liljeberg from Sweden held a presentation about the need for speakers to use images in their speech.

In her speech she showed the picture above and asked: “Who is this model taken from?”

Everyone said: “Simon Sinek!”

Mia continued: “Correct. Now who can remembers the stories that Simon tells in his speech?”

No-one could answer!

Mia had just made a very strong point.

As she summarised it: “Stories make people listen. The visuals make people remember.”

Simon Sinek was able to create a visual that people remember (and now charges 125,000 USD per speech …)

Thanks to Mia’s session today I was reminded about the need for you as a speaker to craft your speech so that the audience can draw your key message on a napkin to explain it to a person who did not attend your session.

When you do your next speech think about: What do I want my audience to share on a napkin?





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