This post is about getting the fundamentals right.
Today I met with Michael Podolinsky CSP and Global Speaking Fellow. Mike is one of the most experiences professional speakers that I have had the privilege to get to know. He has been speaking, full time and professionally for almost four decades. Has lived on two continents (USA and now Asia), been invited to speak in 45 countries and has delivered thousands and thousands of speeches, trainings and workshops to virtually all kinds of audiences in most industries.
He is one of the most experiences speakers you can meet.
He is also a very nice guy.
For three hours today we met because he asked me to give him feedback on some of the key aspects of his speaking business.
One thing we talked about was the importance of getting the fundamentals right in what you do.
All industries have trends, hype and things that go in and out of fashion. New technologies, new ideas and new concepts come in and change, transform or disrupt industries. But beneath all those “waves” of rapid, turbulent change is always a stronger, more consistent – a more fundamental if you want – force.
To find, understand and focus on the fundamentals of our business is crucial for success. Especially if we want to keep at it for a longer time.
The fundamentals is different from the basics.
“Basics” mean: “the essential facts of a subject or skill.”
“Fundamental” means “a central or primary rule on which something is based.”
The basics is what we learn in the beginning.
The fundamentals are what keeps us successful in the long run.
The basics of chess is to understand how the pieces move.
The fundamentals of chess is to understand the strategy of the game.
The basics of speaking is to learn how to write and present a good speech.
The fundamentals of speaking is to understand what makes a good speech a good speech.
I would say that the number one fundamental for speaking is: It is never about you – it’s about the message.
When you get that right, when you always remember that, then you will be a great speaker for a long time.
When you forget it, it doesn’t matter how “good” your speech is crafted, it will not work anyway.
In a world obsessed with the latest trend, the latest technology and the newest way of doing something it is important to never forget the deeper forces that make successful people successful: their ability to stay true to the fundamentals.