I think this will be a valuable lesson because we learn the most from stories where not everything goes perfect.
As a global speaker, I started to pivot and move my focus from Asia to Europe 6 weeks ago as I saw how conferences in Asia started to get canceled.
On short notice I was able to secure 5 speaking slots in Sweden for one week in March.
I was supposed to fly to Sweden tomorrow to deliver those talks next week.
Yesterday and today they all choose to postpone their events to later in the year, due to big Covid-19 outbreaks in Sweden this week…
My observation was right – almost.
My understanding was right – almost.
My execution was right – almost.
And if the outbreak in Sweden would have stated just a few days later I would now have been on my way home to Asia again after delivering 5 speeches in Sweden.
Instead, I have 5 more postponed events to add to the list of already postponed events.
Sometimes you can get it almost right, and yet end up with nothing. Like a fish getting off your hook just as you pull it out of the water. I tell you this story to inspire you to keep trying to get it right. “Almost” is very close to “Got it”.
#speaker #publicspeaking #professionalspeaking