Speaker war story about how to handle being sick when being a speaker.
I have been a little under the weather on and off for the last few months.. The funny thing is that it has been coming and going and always when I feel I am getting better, I became worse again. I guess it is a mixture of “airplane flu” from flying a lot and of “kindergarten flu” from having two kids bringing home all kinds of germs from their classmates
But generally it has not slowed me down. But a while back I was hit by something else.
I boarded the plane tofeeling a bit sick. On the plane I started to feel worse.
The first leg of my journey was an agonising 8 hours journey from hell with a blistering headaches that no migraine medicine had any effect on.
On the second leg I started to feel even worse.
I must have looked really sick as 5 (!) different crew members approached me to check if I was ok and one of them even came running with a thermometer – that happened to show that I had not only a bad migraine but also 38.7 C fever.
For the whole 15 hour duration of my trip (including transfers) from Singapore to Europe I must have slept 13 hours.
When I arrived t my destination the night before my speech the crew had prepared a wheel chair (!) for me as I exited the plane.
My male pride prevented my from accepting it – but after walking, what felt like 5 km of airport corridors I started to regret that choice.
When checked into my hotel room I went straight to bed and continued to sleep.
Then it got worse.
I woke up in the middle of the night by my bed being SOAKED in sweat (we are talking wet as in being dropped into a bathtub) And not only one side of the bed, but both sides of the queens size bed …
I got up and got some big towels to lie on to sleep on something dry.
A few hours later I had to get up again and get a new set of towels.
I was scheduled to speak at 9 am. and due to do a sound check at 7 am.
Amazingly, I woke up at 6.30 feeling 100% ready to go!
I got ready, did my sound check and delivered a speech that the audience and the client was very happy with.
How does that happen?
I still do not know.
Like i wrote in a recent blog post, it seems like the body is “aware” of when it can be sick – and when it has to function.
I am very happy it all worked out great yet again.
Being a professional speaker is a privileged profession. When we are not on stage our work is extremely flexible and we can choose to take off time in the middle of the day to pick up our kids from school, go see a lunch-time-movie – or go take a nap for a few hours because we are feeling tired.
But when we are scheduled to be on stage we better all fired up to perform.
That means we have to really learn to master the art of saving, channeling and focusing our energy.
I am very, very glad that I was able to do that on my recent trip to Europe. A trip that had me at 1% energy for 20 hours of travelling – and at 100% energy for that one hour I was on stage. (Then it went back to 10% energy again flying home…)