(Amsterdam, Holland)
Yesterday speech in Zurich. Tomorrow speech in Amsterdam. But today an off day.
So what does a speaker do on a off-day in a foreign land?
I walked through the inspiring downtown of Amsterdam.
Got inspired (and humbled) by visiting the house of Anne Frank.
Sat in an inspiring hotel-bar and wrote a few blogposts for a new blog I am starting.
Went to see the inspiring movie Blade Runner with some friends.
Ate some inspiring, great food.
In other words: Got inspired.
You know the saying “How do you become interesting? Answer: By being interested.”
Well, I guess it is also true that: “How do you become inspiring? By being inspired?”
I truly believe that one of the most important jobs of a speaker is to inspire. And to keep that fire alive that makes it possible to inspire you need to also need to get inspired yourself.
So I had a good, inspiring day today.
But the most inspiring thing I did today was to coach a woman (Angel) to become a speaker.
That was not the plan. The plan was just to meet up and have a “fika” (A Swedish style coffee break and catch up.
Angel is one of the guests who has stayed on my Ideas Island (www.ideasisland.com)
But in an intense two-hour session I did an condensed speaking coaching session that started with her not even knowing that she wanted to be a speaker (she is a natural and will be a great speaker) to hammering out not only her speaking theme, but her go to market strategy, her positioning, her speaking approach and how she should build up her speech (and book.)
It was great and I think we came up with an awesome approach for her.
I just love how the speaking profession is built around the idea of sharing, coaching and helping each other be better. Today I helped in every such a small way to bring another speaker into our profession. (At least I hope I did 😉
Such fun – and inspiring – thing to do on an off day on the road.
Who have you inspired today? And perhaps even more importantly: How did you get inspired today?
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