“It felt like I was walking inside your brain.”
That was the quote I got from a fellow speaker who came up to me after I recently did a speech in South Africa. He continued:
“It was like we were inside your neurones, like we could experience the way you think.”
That might just be the most beautiful review I have gotten on a speech by a fellow speaker in a long time.
Why do I like it so much?
Because so many speakers ask me about “the structure” of a keynote.
Like if there is a “formula” for a good keynote.
I think people who approach speaking like that approach it from the wrong angle.
A great speech is individual, personal and genuine.
It’s you sharing your inner thoughts and ideas on a topic that is dear to you.
Of course structure is important, but do not start with it.
End with it.
Start with understanding your own thoughts, your own message.
Go on a walk inside your brain.
You would never discuss how to cut a diamond before actually seeing the diamond.
And you should not talk about how to structure your thoughts before first having a very clear idea of the message that is inside of you.
And instead of trying to “press” that message into a structure you should embrace the uniqueness of your thought-process and try to build a structure based on those thoughts.
And here is the good news: If you do have a very good idea about what your inner thoughts about your speech topic is, then the structure will often almost reveal itself.
Just like it will be easy to decide how to cut a diamond if you have spent time looking at its characteristics.
so, let the audience into your inner thoughts.
Invite them into your mind.